How to travel at the lowest costs with Blue Yamama? (Booking of hotels\2)

 In the previous article, we talked about tips that will help you on how to get the best deal for booking a flight ticket, and how you can take advantage of the Blue Yamama website in that, and there is no doubt that you will also look for accommodation to stay in, here are some tips:

How to book your accommodation at the lowest costs? How will Blue Yamama help you with that?

First: You need to know that there are many ways to book a place of residence:

Direct booking:

 Either by calling or speaking in person directly with the Reservations Department.

Booking through travel agencies:

You communicate with these offices in order to get the best price. Travel offices get special prices in order to shop for hotels. Sometimes you put in place a complete trip that includes flights, accommodation and transportation at an amount that you cannot get if you book all the details of the trip yourself, but in this way you will not be free to Develop your travel itinerary. If the program in question suits you, it is a good option to save costs, but you have to make sure of all the details.

Booking through websites specialized in hotel reservations and others: one of the most famous is

Second: What is the best method among the previous booking methods?

If we want to compare in one aspect, which is the aspect (offer offered / room type and cost), then we can say through experience that we often get the best offers through relevant websites, the most famous of which is Booking, and therefore if you are in a hurry, you should register In Booking to get special offers for members and make reservations, but if you are not in a hurry and have enough time to search, I think you should start with the following steps:

  • Watching prices on websites and comparing the best of them. Blue Yamama can help you with this through the search bar tool. You enter your travel data for one time, then select the sites you want to search in, and then press the (Search) button to open all those sites with the same search scope. I entered it with new tabs for each site. (learn more).

  • Communicate with the travel offices you know, and they will make a table that includes the name of the travel office, the name of the hotel, the type of room and the final cost inclusive of tax.

  • After making the first and second steps, you must know the best offer among them, and then contact the hotel directly and negotiate if it can give you the best offer.

This is all in terms of comparison besides (price offer), otherwise the most reliable way in terms of (confirmation of reservation) is direct booking from the place of residence with the presence of an email or invoice printed with your reservation details, then comes after that booking through the website (Booking), and the reservation Through the travel agencies, some errors may sometimes occur due to the negligence of the travel agency and this is due to the extent of its professionalism and reputation.


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